Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Evangelism, Pooh Style

Reading Scripture with the drone of the Disney Channel in the background makes for interesting musings. As I was reading about not being afraid to share the gospel while Winnie the Pooh was on, I began to see how each of the characters would have different styles while still staying true to the essentials of the gospel.

Tigger is the epitome of enthusiasm, bouncing on his tail while telling all the wonderful things the Lord has shown him. Sharing the miracle of the Resurrection, I can hear him lisping, “Then they crucified Him, and He died for our sins. But, three days later, HE WAS ALIVE AGAIN! And He lives in me today and wants to live in you, too. Come on, let me tell you all about it. “ I think I tend to be a little bit of a Tigger, but it’s hard not to share something so awesome.
Eyeore would definitely be preaching the gospel of repentance. “Can’t believe He died for my sins. Might as well repent. Don’t want to go to the Lake of Fire. Too hot there,” he would drawl in his weight of the world sort of way.
Piglet, who is just so little, especially to himself, would be celebrating the awesome magnificence of a Great Big God who notices each and every one of us. “Why, H-He even knows m-my name and m-my story. And yours too, even if you are not sure of His. Just ask Him. It’s ok. He loves you, too,” he would sweetly stutter.
Rabbit is the intellectual of the group. He would build up from the Old Testament when God laid the foundation for the ultimate sacrifice of His Son, logically laying stone upon stone until the truth was made clear. “It only makes sense,” he would say, “But then I am highly, highly advanced.”
God knit each one of us together differently for His Pleasure and Glory. We are all called to use those gifts to further His Kingdom and proclaim His Word. Don’t be afraid to share what He has written on your heart, in your own special, God-given way. I like the way Pooh would put it the best: “Salvation is ever so much sweeter when you share it with a friend.”

1 comment:

  1. Glad you posted this...it is excellent. I gave you a shout out this morning.
